Looking for high-quality Vehicle Electronics PCBA boards? Look no further! We are a trusted factory offering reliable and durable solutions. Explore our wide range now!
1. Dielectric layer (Dielectric): It is used to maintain the insulation between lines and layers, commonly known as the substrate. 2. Silkscreen (Legend/Marking/Silkscreen): This is a non-essential component. Its main function is to mark the name and position box of each part on the circuit board, which is convenient for maintenance and identification after assembly. 3.Surface treatment (SurtaceFinish): Since the copper surface is easily oxidized in the general environment, it cannot be tinned (poor solderability), so the copper surface to be tinned will be protected. The protection methods include HASL, ENIG, Immersion Silver, Immersion TIn, and organic solder preservative (OSP). Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, collectively referred to as surface treatment.● -Reliability testing ● -Traceability ● -Thermal management ● -Heavy copper ≥ 105um ● -HDI ● -Semi - flex ● -Rigid - flex ● -High frequency milimeter microwave
Mass production: 2~58 layers / Pilot run: 64 layers
Max. Thickness
Mass production: 394mil (10mm) / Pilot run: 17.5mm